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2002, 2021

10 Reasons Everyone Should Watch “A Time To Kill” RIGHT NOW!

February 20th, 2021|

Since August, we’ve all reviewed statistics regarding police brutality and discrepancies within the justice system. Recently, I watched a classic film entitled “A Time To Kill” starring Samuel L. Jackson and Matthew McConaughey. Throughout my life, I’ve seen this film

2002, 2021


February 20th, 2021|

Ride-Sharing Tips For the Savy Traveler Since the tragic murder of Mike Brown, I’ve been hearing this word “revolution” a lot. There are some people completely against revolting and prefer “reformation” instead. Personally, I believe we need both. Often times

1702, 2021

Korryn Gaines

February 17th, 2021|

I thought my tear well had been depleted. I thought the resources were completely diminished. I thought the heated storms had evaporated every ounce that poured from my heart. I thought this vicious system that dehumanizes me daily had taken

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