Catherine Flon contributed numerous works during the revolution. She is known as a nurse, a teacher, a trainer and a seamstress.

She even started workshops to teach other young women the skills of sewing.

The currently most visible and notable Flon contribution to the Haitian Revolution was the Haitian Flag.

On May 18th 1803, Flon birthed the Haitian Flag. Dessalines, another well-known leaders, influenced the appearance of the Haitian Flag by taking the French Flag and removing the white fabric from it.

Per Lunion Suite (listed below), “[Dessalines] took the French tricolor of three broad vertical bands and tore out the flag’s white band symbolizing the French colonial power. He cast it upon the ground and trampled upon it”.

Flon then used her sewing skills to unify the blue and red, representing the unified efforts of the people in the revolution under the motto: Liberté ou la Mort! which translates to Liberty or Death.

This is a leader of leaders, a leader of vision. Catherine Flon, we honor you!

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