Cécile Fatiman: Conjurer of Liberation

The Haitian Revolution began August 22nd of 1791 and lasted until January 1st 1804. It resulted in the destruction 1800 enslavement camps, the deaths of 1000 slaveholders, and the decolonization and independence of Haiti.

All revolutionary participants targeted anyone who stood in their way of freedom. The enslavers, their wives, and even children. This included even their own fellow enslaved peers. If they weren’t with the revolution, they were seen as enemies; neutrality was treated as opposition.

One week prior to the uprising, there was a ritual at Bois Caïman. This ritual was lead by Priestess (Mambo) Cécile Fatiman in partnership with Priest Dutty Boukman.

That evening, they gathered in spiritual unity. Sources stated that there was an animal sacrifice and Fatiman was possessed by the goddess Eruzille; the Vodou Loa associated with water and feminity. She prophesied that “Jean François, Biassou, and Jeannot would be leaders of the movement and revolt that would free the slaves”. She encouraged the community to “cast aside the image of the God of the oppressors” as they sought after their freedom.

This was a crucial and radical declaration to make to her people, quite possibly the driving force that helped their success.

This event is still credited as a strong influence of the successful Haitian Revolution.

This is a woman of brilliance and boldness. Priestess Cécile Fatiman, we honor you.

Receipts (aka sources)

Dayan, J. (1998). Haiti, History, and the Gods. University of California Press.

(This book is available as a free PDF if you click the embedded link in the title)

Cécile Fatiman wasn’t muslim. (n.d.). Bwakayiman. http://bwakayiman.blogspot.com/2016/12/cecile-fatiman-wasnt-muslim.html?m=1

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